Thursday, November 26, 2009

Question 21

What does Pony mean when he says, "we could get along without anyone but Johnny"?


keeshaa.. said...

when ponyboy says 'we can ge talong with anyone, but johnny' he means that the gang can get along with anyone except for johnny. If anyone was in johnnys shoes except for him, it would be better. Johnny went through alot and he derserves to live, or not be cripple.

Nakia said...
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Johnathan said...

Pony means that they could go on if another gang member was hurt but they can't go along without Johnny because he is the center of the group. He completes the group by being who he is. The group kind of revolves around Johnny because everyone helps him and cares for him because his parents abuse him and they all try to help.

Taylor said...

Ponyboy means that if anybody else died in the gang they would still be able to move along. But if Johnny died they wouldn’t forget him they would probably disband and forget the gang without Johnny. Johnny was like the glue that kept the gang together.

Unknown said...

when ponyboy says we cant get along with anyone that just means that they miss him alot. johnny deserves to live and not die also not to be crippled and be in a wheel chair.

Nakia said...

When pony said "We can't get along without anyone but Johnny" he means that if Johnny were to die the gang would miss him and everyday routines wouldn't be the same as they were before he died

Unknown said...

When Ponyboy says this he means that Johnny is the one that keeps the gang together. Johnny is the main person in the gang that doesn’t get into trouble every day. Also it says that he is the pet of the gang. Johnny is the person that everybody can count on to be there for them. Also Johnny is the one who keeps everybody form fighting.

koko said...

when ponyboysayswe cant get along with anyone except johnny because everyone loves johnnyand ponyboy means that in the other gangs if someone get hurts or dies then they just keep going on like nothing happened, happened, but if something happenes to johnny then he means like the gang wont stay together.

ashley said...

When Ponyboy says we can get along with anoyone, but Johnny, means that the gang don't want Johnny to die. The were caring for him all along, every since he was with the greasers because his fammily memebers don't care what he does, sposen he kills his self. But the rest of the gang does.

Hope (: said...

Ponyboy means that the gang can live without anyone else in their lifes, but they just grown to needing having to have Johnny in the gang, and if Johnny dies, everyone is more then likley to fall apart, and go there sepret ways, and may never see eachother again.

Amber :) said...

When Ponyboy says "we an't get along with anyone, but Jonny" he means that Everone gets along with Jonny and they are really good friends. But they don't get along with other people in their group. Jonny is also the kind of person who keeps people from fighing because he dosen't like to see it because his family is always fighing with him and he is just sick of it. Jonny cares for his group. If Jonny had to die in the emergency room everbody would be thinking about him all day and probally get into fights because they can't take it.

Travis said...

He means that without Johnny that the gang will go nuts and lose control of their selfs and a big riot will start and because like in question 20 because he is the leader...

Natasha said...

Pony means that johnny is the main reason why there all still together and without him they would have fights and Johnny is the main person of the gang and with out it wouldnt be the same gang.

[ .::Nicholas Dalton::. ] said...

When Ponyboy says that "we could get along without anyone but Johnny" that he means that all of the gang members can go along with their lives if another member gets gurt, but they cant go on with their lives without Johnny in the group. Johnny was at the center of the the group, he makes the group together..

jordan said...

What pony means when he says we could get along with anyone but Johnny is Jonny had a lot of things going on with him at him thet none of them will ever know.

Unknown said...

When pony boy says ''we can get along with anyone,but Johnny'' he means that they could go on if somebody else died in the gang but if Johnny died they wouldnt be able to and they would always remember him.

Unknown said...

what Ponyboy ment by, he could get along with anyone but johnny was that Johnny was the gangs pet and Ponyboy didn't want him to die because he was his best pal, and Johnny went through a lot to save those kids!

Jennifer :D said...

Ponny means that if any of the other gang members died they could of survived but since jonny died they would find it tough jonny kept them strong , because he got beat by his parents and he was so strong so he help them go through tough things.