Thursday, November 26, 2009

Question 16

What condition is Johnny in after the fire?


Unknown said...

the condition that johnny is in is bad because he cant feel anything below the lower part of his back so that means that he wont be able to walk ever again.

Johnathan said...

Johnnycake is in VERY bad condition after the fire. He is still in the hospital and he isn't doing good. There is no guarantee that he will live but if he does he will be paralyzed below the waste. He took a good knock from that burning piece of timbre that caved on him. It struck him on the back and it badly burned him.

koko said...

After the fire Johnny was in bad condition and has 3rd degree burns and a broken back from the peice of wood that fell on him, johnny wont be able to walk anymore, not even with crutches.

Nakia said...

16: After the fire Johnny has 3rd degree burn and has broken his back from the piece of burning wood that fell on him.

Taylor said...

After the fire Johnny is in critical condition. He got crushed by the lumber that fell from the burning church. He broke his back in the middle and cannot feel anything below his waist.

Natasha said...

Affter the big fire at the church Johnny was in critical condistion because he got burrined really bad and A log from the burring curch fell on his back and broke it ,now he is in the hospital and he is paralized from the wast down and he will not beable to walk ever again not even on crutches he would have to spend the rest of his life in a wheel chair.

Unknown said...

After the fire Johnny is in critical condition. When the board fell on his back it broke his back so he wouldn’t be able to move anything below his hips. Also he wouldn’t be able to walk. Johnny is still n the hospital now and he is starting to get weaker. Pony doesn’t think that he’s going to live.

Jennifer :D said...

After the fire, Johnny wasn’t very good because he had got hit by the wood in the back, and if he lives he will be paralyzed from the waist down.

Amber :) said...

The condition that Jonny was in after the fire was that he has a broken back when the heavy post fell down on him, which means that he is paralyzed and can never walk agian. Jonny got to spend the rest of his life in a wheel chair. He has a lot of bad third degree burns al over his arms and body. The ambulance had to come for him and bring him to the hospitle t so the doctor can look after him.

Amber :) said...
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ashley said...

The condition that Johnny is in after he got badly burned is that he us paralyzed, he can't feel anything below the lower part of his back. He can't walk no more not even on crutches.

[ .::Nicholas Dalton::. ] said...

The condition that Johnny has after the fire is that he cant feel anything below his lower back. He is like this because he got badely burned after the church burned down. He wont be able to walk ever again.

Nick said...

Jcohnny is in a bad condition from the fire he cant feel anything from the waist down witch means that he wont be able to walk anymore or he might die.

jordan said...

The condition that Johnny was in after the fire was he got badly burned and he broke his back. Also he can not feel anything under his waist.

Travis said...

Johnny is in a bad condition because he had some burning timber fall down on him and broke his back...

Travis said...

Johnny is in a bad condition because he had some burning timber fall down on him and broke his back...

Unknown said...

After the fire Johnny had had his back broken and got some really bad burns from the fire,he couldn't move anything in his body, he was paralyed and was dying.He was a cripple!