Monday, November 23, 2009

Question 13

Why doesn't Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?


Travis said...

Dally does not want Johnny to turn himself in because where dally gave Johnny and ponyboy a gun and a place to hide he don’t want to get in trouble with the fuzzbut Johnny wants to turn himself in so he don’t get in more trouble and he don’t want to go to a boys home neither does ponyboy.

Johnathan said...

Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn him-self in because he thinks that Johnny's personality will be hurt in jail. He says that jail does bad things to a person and it really will change you because Dally has been there and felt what it is like. He thinks that Johnny won't last in jail because of the shy passive person he is.


Natasha said...

Dally dosent want Johnny to turn him self in because hes affraid that he might get in so much trubble with the cops that he will get the electric chair and Dally dosent want johnny to have to die.

Nakia said...

13: Dally doesn’t want Johnny to turn himself in because he’s afraid they’ll send Johnny to jail like they did to him when he was ten.

ashley said...

Daly doesn't want Johnny to turn himself in because Dally gave Johnny and Ponyboy a gun to go run away, and if he had to turn himself in the might find out about the gun and ask where they got it to. Then if he says Dally he well get in trouble for it.

keeshaa.. said...

Dally does no want johnny to turn himself in because he doesnt wasnt johnny to turn mean, cold & cruel like it turned him! And where johnnys so soft heartyed, hes gonna get beat up, and also he dont want johnny or ponyboy to get in trouble with the fuzz.

Unknown said...

I dont think Dally wants to let johnny to turn him self in because I think Dally treats johnny like he is his little brother they are just about the same they both dont have a home so I think they care about eachother.

Taylor said...

Dally doesn’t want Johnny to turn himself in because he doesn’t want Johnny to get hurt. Dally knew that if anything happened to Johnny it would have been like losing his own brother. He knew if Johnny turned himself in he may never see him anymore.

Hope (: said...

Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn huimslef in becuase Dally thinks that Johnny personality will change greatly in jail nad he wouldn't ever be the same person. Dally tells Johnny that jail does bad things to a person like Johnny, well to e veryone and that matter, and Dally told Johnny that hes been to jail and he knows what it feels like, and Dally knows that Johnny wouldn't last in jail with his shy and quit personality.

Jennifer :D said...

Dally doesn’t want Johnny to turn himself in because he give Johnny and Ponnyboy the gun and a place to stay so if Johnny turned himself in dally would get in lots of trouble with the cops.

Unknown said...

Dally doesn’t want Johnny to turn himself in because he thinks that Johnny will be changed personality wise and mentally. Dally just wants the best for Johnny and he doesn’t want Johnny to go hard like Dally did. He knows what he’s talking about too because Dally has been to jail. Dally also thinks that jauil may scar Johnny for life mentally as well as personality.

koko said...

Dally doesn’t want Johnny to turn himself in because dally doesn’t want Johnny to end up like him, and he doesn’t want to get in trouble for giving them a gun and a place to hide.

Unknown said...
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Amber :) said...

Dally doesn't want Johnny to turn him-self in because he thinks that the cops won’t believe Jonny that he murdered someone in self-defence and they will put him in the electric chair. Dally doesn’t want Jonny to die. Dally also doesn’t want Jonny get his reputation hurt like he did when he went to jail.

[ .::Nicholas Dalton::. ] said...

Dally doesnt want Johnny to turn his self in because he thinks that Johnnys will get in a load of trouble, and he would be in jail for the rest of his life.

jordan said...

Dally does not want Johnny to go to jail because he said jail hardens you and Johnny will never be the same if he goes to turn himself in.

Nick said...

Dally dosent want johnny to go to jail because he said jail hardens you and johnny will never be the same anymore this is why dally dosent want him to go to jail

Unknown said...

Dally probably didn't want Johnny to turn himself because they could put him into the electric chair or worse, the gang can not get along without johnny.