Friday, October 30, 2009

Question 4

What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers?


Travis said...

Cherry says that the differences between the soces and the greasers would be that there is not really a big difference between them but the soces are richer and the greasers are not as rich as them because the soces can afford mustangs and greasers cant other than that there is no big difference between them.

keeshaa.. said...

Cherry says that the difference between the greasers and the Soc’s are that Greasers have a different set of values then Soc’s. Greasers are more emotional; Soc’s are sophisticated—cool. To the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is for real with Soc’s.

Nakia said...

Cherry said that the difference between the greasers and the socs is that they have a different set of values. She said that she could be talking to one of her girl friends and realize she doesn’t even mean what she’s talking about. She just says it just to be saying something.

Anonymous said...

Cherry says that the difference between the greasers and the Soc’s are that Greasers have a different set of values then Soc’s. Greasers are more emotional; Soc’s are sophisticated—cool. To the point of not feeling anything and the greasers have less money then the Soc’s

Unknown said...

Cherry says that the difference between Greasers and socs are that the socs are richer then the Greasers and that the Greasers are more emotional and the socs are more cool.

Johnathan said...

Cherry explains that the difference between socs and greasers is that the greasers are a cheaper bunch, the socs have money but they still have the same life problems. The greasers have different values on life. Greasers take things to heart because they are more emotional. Greasers only fight the socs for a reason, they don’t just ride around in cool cars and mug socs who are alone by themselves. Socs try to be so cool and sophisticated to the max point of nothing matters to them. Socs don’t hate greasers they just try to be better than them. Socs have no cause they just gang up on greasers for something to do.


Amber :) said...

Cherry says that the difference between the greasers and the Soc’s is that the Soc’s jump people all the time for no reason. They wear better clothes, they are also rich, drives around in cool cars such as mustangs, and they act like snobs. But the greasers don’t jump people unless they are in danger with the Socs, they wear older clothes and it’s not perfect, they’re gang is tough, some are emotional than others, care for others in the group and family, and the greasers are not rich.

ashley said...

Cherry explains the difference between the Socs and the Greasers, was that part of it was that the Socs have more money than them. Also the greasers are more emotional than them, and a different set of values. The socs are sophisticated, cool to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is real for them.

Unknown said...

4) Cherry explains the difference between the socs and the greasers are that the greasers are emotional and the socs are more sophisticated, Cherry said” nothing is real with us “ and the greasers thinks that Elvis is cool but the socs think the beetles are awesome this is the difference between them. FH

Taylor said...

Cherry told Ponyboy that not all of the difference between Socs and Greasers was money. Greasers and Socs have a different set of values in life. Greasers are more emotional, Socs are cool to the point of unfeeling. Nothing is real to Socs, they admire things that they never did care about, the only reason they admire it is because they have everything they want, and they can’t find anything better to do. She explained that Socs and Greasers were almost alike except Greasers, Greasers were cool, they could still care, but Socs couldn’t, Socs were “cold cool” they were cool, but uncaring.

Unknown said...

Cherry describes the difference between the Socs and the greasers are that the greasers are that the greasers have less money, but she also said that the differences were not only money . The Socs have more money. Also the Socs don’t take anything seriously and they are also not very emotional about what they do. The Socs also never seem to know what to do with all their spare time because in the story it says that the Socs jump the greasers for fun. Although the greasers are way more serious and take everything to heart which means that they are way more emotional. Another thing is different between the Socs and the greasers are that the greasers don’t have much money and can barely make any money to put food on the table so this makes the greasers kind of jealous of the Socs.

Natasha said...

Cherrie explains that not all soc's have great lives with no worries and that some of them have harder lives then greasers that they have lots of worries just like the greasers .

jordan said...

What does Cherry explain as the difference between the socs and the greasers is the socs have more money to buy what they want and the greasers don’t have as much money as them. Other than that they are not all that much different.

[ .::Nicholas Dalton::. ] said...

When cherry decribes the difference between the socs and the greasers she means that it is a different set of values. She says that the greasers are more emotional and the socs are more cool. And the grasers have more money than what the socs have.

Unknown said...

Cherry says the greasers are emotional or senstive because the socs have more value then them and they always go around mugging people,the greasers are not able to afford mustangs and all that because they don't go around mugging people.